Tag: Down Payment

Posted on 08/16/2021
Benefits & Disadvantages to Higher Down Payments Homebuyers Should Consider
Buying a home requires extensive financial planning. While the widely accepted standard for down payments has been 20% of the purchase price for decades, many are wondering if that’s still required. In reality, there are ways to qualify for a mortgage with less than 20% down payment—even some options without a down payment at all. However, there are...
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Posted on 01/13/2020
Buy Your First Home Sooner with a Down Payment Savings Plan
You’ve been thinking it for a while: “I really should start putting some money aside for a down payment.” But, you just can’t seem to find any wiggle room in your budget. You’re not alone. Saving for a down payment isn’t easy. Especially if you’ve got rent, car payments, student loans, and are trying to put money aside for...
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Posted on 06/03/2019
Assistance When Buying Your First Home
The single most difficulty first-time homebuyers face is being able to save up the down payment. From student loans to medical bills; wanting to start a family or live in a more expensive city; coming up with those funds keeps many potential buyers out of the market. In fact, if you don’t have your down payment saved up...
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