Tag: Cleaning Tips

Posted on 08/03/2020
Easiest Ways to Control Pests
Photo by Andrey_Popov via Shutterstock Getting rid of a pest infestation in the home can be an expensive and stressful endeavor. Enjoy a comfortable, pest-free home with a few best practices. Preventative Control Every homeowner should invest in preventative pest control. Either hire a company to come and treat the inside and outside of your house on a...
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Posted on 03/09/2020
How To Properly Dust Your Home
If it’s time for a deep clean of your home, you may want to grab the duster and just go at it. Dusting is a task that should be done on a regular basis, but it’s not always the case. There’s a right way and a wrong way to dust. Read on for a few simple tips to make...
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Posted on 07/15/2019
Hidden Enemies in Your Home
Could your home be making you sick? Could those allergies be inside rather than outside? Yes, and yes. Of course, you’ve already sussed out the obvious places: the mold in the bathroom, years of dirt in the carpet, even the drapes and blinds. But what about the air ducts? You know, the very thing that carries the conditioned...
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Posted on 06/10/2019
How To Clean The Kitchen Before You Move Into Your New Home
Moving into a new house will require a little bit of cleaning and the kitchen is probably the first place to start. You will want to get rid of the former resident's cooking smells as well as make it reflect your personal taste because you and your family will spend a lot of time. Here are a few...
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Posted on 05/27/2019
Millennial-Style Housekeeping
Yes, mom's house always seemed magically clean, so you may have missed some of her little tricks and tips. Here are a few to add to your cleaning repertoire and simplify your life. Housekeeping hacks Repurpose your orange peels: Place orange, lemon, or lime peels in your garbage disposal and run with plenty of water to clean out...
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Posted on 05/13/2019
How To Remove Crayon From Your Walls
Children are adorable creatures, but sometimes they may make you hit the ceiling. Like when? Well, like when they use a crayon to draw caricatures of Sponge Bob on your wall. In such situations, it's important to keep a cool head. There is no need for yelling or spanking anyone; there are ways to remove crayons from walls...
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Posted on 04/15/2019
Cleaning Your Fridge
Are you finally taking up the challenge to clean your fridge after many weeks or months or glossing over it? Kudos to you. Not sure of how to begin? Follow these simple steps. First of all, remove the contents of the fridge before starting. An empty fridge makes cleaning it a lot easier for you. You should also...
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Posted on 03/18/2019
4 Reasons to Regularly Change Your Home Filter
Changing your air filters in your home can be a chore that is quickly forgotten and overlooked, but it is crucial to the overall health of your home. To keep your home air system functioning at its best, be sure to have your HVAC system checked, maintained, and changed regularly. Prevent Damage. By keeping your system up to...
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